The merry month of May is nearly here, and boy is it PACKED with exciting comic book news.
The first Saturday of May is Free Comic Book Day!
Literally dozens of comic titles are producing FCBD editions for you to enjoy. They range across a wide area of interests.
There are kiddie titles like Archie, Spongebob, and Hello Kitty.
All-ages fun is provided by Atomic Robo, Kaboom Summer Blast, and Rocket Raccoon.
And for the more mature readers, well just look for anything with a zombie, a big gun, or an exposed midriff on the cover.
Remember – don’t be greedy.
Some shops may put limits on the number of comics you can have. This is done to ensure that no one goes home empty handed. Why not take some friends along to trade and share comics with?
Heads Up for you Savvy Shoppers – many comic shops run sales on FCBD. Support a local business and get a great deal on some graphic novels or other groovy merch.
To find a participating store in your area, enter you zip code into this handy store locator.
But wait! There’s more….
So much more nerdy fun this month. For instance:
- May the Fourth (Be With You)
Star Wars fans have adopted this day to be their own holiday. Search the Web for activities near you, or just gather with friends for an old fashioned light saber battle. After all, you have a lot to celebrate these days.
Sci-Fi Film Festival @ the Cinerama
If you are anywhere near Soggy ol’ Seattle in May, get thee to the Cinerama for a truly epic collection of science fiction films.12 Monkeys, A Clockwork Orange, Akira, Barbarella, Brazil, Fahrenheit 451, Fifth Element, Forbidden Planet, E.T., Logan’s Run, and about 2 dozen more of the greatest genre flicks ever, presented on the enormous 30-foot-high screen.
- NEW Genre Films
There are three films premiering this month which are sure to grab the attention of geeks and nerds alike. Love ‘em or hate ‘em you’ll be giving them you money either way.
- May 2, The Amazing Spider-Man 2
- May 23, X-Men: Days of Future Past
- May 30, Maleficent