Tech Cetera – Seattle Channel’s Cyber Show


Tech Cetera LogoThe good folks over at The Seattle Channel have developed a new program called Tech Cetera.

Tech Cetera “celebrates & showcases diverse & creative genius: from the big guys to the small startups.”

Tech Cetera

Tech Cetera host Natasha Jones discusses mobile apps with your humble narrator Buzzy.

And to my surprise and delight, I was invited to appear on the very first episode!  I’m there to discuss mobile apps developed by and for the good people of Soggy ol’ Seattle.

The program is hosted by Natasha Jones – she’s smart, funny, and I really enjoyed talking to her.  Prior to filming, we bonded over our shared fondness for the Oxford Comma and the comedy of Aisha Tyler.

Small world, ain’t it?

The first broadcast will be May 1 at 7:30 PST.  You can watch it live via their Web site.

$100 3D Printer!?! Can you say “Game Changer?”

Peachy PrinterWhat can you get for $100 these days?

  • A down payment on a gaming system?
  • A chalupa as big as your torso?
  • A near mint copy of Captain Carrot and the Zoo Crew #1?
    (Happy to hook you up w/ that, btw)

Well hold on to your money – there’s something way better to spend it on, coming your way soon.

Some plucky folks from Saskatchewan are planning to offer the world a 3D printer for a mere $100!  The Peachy Printer!

The Kickstarter campaign to fund the project was extremely successful, garnering ten times the the amount of the original goal.

Inventor Rylan Grayston has done a re-think on 3D printing methodology and come up with some wonderful innovations to reduce the cost.

Motors and microcontrollers have been replaced with saltwater and the output from your computer’s sound card!  WAHT?!?

The video below does a better job explaining it than I ever could.  Marvel at this example of Canadian ingenuity!